Joo Chiat Complex is located near to Eunos MRT (EW7) MRT Stations.
By Bus
In the event that you are using bus transport, the stations to alight at that are close to Joo Chiat Complex include Aft Koon Seng Rd, Bef Koon Seng Rd and Opp Maranatha Hall.
Bus services include: 67, 2, 7, 13, 21, 24, 26, 28, 30, 51, 76, 154 and 155
By Car – Parking Charges
Monday – Friday before 5/6 PM
$0.50/30min from 7am to 7pm
Monday – Friday after 5/6 PM
$0.80/30min from 7pm to 10:30pm
Charges same as weekdays
Sunday and Public Holiday
Charges same as weekdays